“They’re so ace!! We love them, you guys are brilliant, absolutely brilliant!! We love them!!! Perfect photos they’re just amazing.”
Wedding Location: Sheffield, UK
Venue: Lazy Daisy Farm (Daisy Hill Farm, Sheffield S36 4HH)
The Couple: Katey & James
In brief: A teepee wedding with a festival theme made for the perfect day, even the rain didn’t affect the party atmosphere!
We have a few key mantras here at York Place Studios and keeping them always in our minds is an essential part of our every aspect of our workflow whether shooting, editing, culling or sharing our images. One of the first ones we discussed at the beginning of our photographic journey (back in 2006!) and still one of the most important for us is that we are always striving to create photographs that make people feel. Sometimes that feeling should hit you the second you see the image, sometimes we hope to build it slowly through a series of layers that require a little more thought for the viewer. But however simple or complex the image you have to feel something, it needs to evoke.
Another key basis to our work is that we want to capture real life and show the little, perhaps seemingly insignificant moments and details that subconsciously form the basis of our memories. This is perhaps the most important reason that we choose to shoot without the use of flash. Lighting is important. Lighting changes the way we see things. Lighting can help to make a moment romantic, exciting, soft or brash; completely changing the feeling behind a moment without us even realising. To change the light is to alter the memory and that’s why we choose to simply embrace the ambience around us on the day and work to faithfully capture the colour palette that a combination of the couple’s choices, the style of the venue and the natural light of the day has created. Katey and James’s wedding is a perfect example of this with the colour, mood and excitement of the day linked intrinsically with the lighting inside and out and it was a thrill to capture and try to convey that crazy, party mood.
Thanks so much to Katey and James, their ‘Wedfest’ teepee wedding was a massive treat to be a part of and a special mention to the amazing New York Brass Band who excelled in capitalising on the brewing party atmosphere and sending it into overdrive.
P.s. One last note to anyone with sharp eyes, yes there was a trumpet…yes it was filled with alcohol… and yes we did get tequila in our hair! :)
Dom & Liam
Lazy Daisy Farm Wedding Photography by York Place Studios. Dominique Shaw and Liam Shaw are the creative partnership behind York Place Studios and strive to create emotional, storytelling photography that captures the real moments of your wedding day. Based near York and Leeds, the destination wedding photographers travel across their home county of Yorkshire, the UK, Europe and worldwide to capture your special moments.