Swim Centre Turned Perfect Wedding Venue for a relaxed celebration in London
Wedding Location: West Reservoir Centre, London
In Brief: BBQs, casual dress and an emphasis on fun in Hackney, London
We talk often about what it is that keeps us coming back again and again when it comes to weddings. After over 16 years of shooting what drives us to continue to make images of this same tiny subcategory of photography week in, week out? What is that magic bit of fairy dust that keeps us engaged and inspired after all this time?
There are a lot of things in truth; the people we meet, the diversity of each event, the feeling of capturing something fleeting but significant in somebody’s life. But if we were really pushed into making a single choice our favourite element of weddings is probably the unknown. It’s the knowledge that we can’t predict what is going to make the best images on the wedding day, and that, to us, is truly exciting. Some things we do know; there is going to be a ceremony, people will eat and people will dance. But, despite all the planning, all the thought that goes into a wedding, all the years of experience we ourselves have gained, the best scenes or interactions; the photographs that stand the test of time and prove truly significant, live in the moment and are truly unforeseeable. We do not know what they will be, the bride and groom do not know what they will be and neither do the guests. It is that pursuit of the unknown, of maybe beating the odds and capturing the million-to-one shot outstanding image of something so spontaneous that nobody could ever have predicted, of maybe taking our best image yet, that keeps us in the game and eager with anticipation every time we knock on the door, camera in hand ready to start again on a brand new wedding day.
Harriet & Phil’s celebration at The West Reservoir Centre, London just invited spontaneity. The casual dress-code, the unfussy, easygoing BBQ dinner, the beautiful peculiarities of West Reservoir Centre’s informal setting. From the moment the guests arrived everything about this wedding shouted out that they were here, first and foremost to have fun. And have fun they 100% did!
We couldn’t have guessed what this wedding would look like, nor predicted the photographs we’d be taking back with us. All we know is that we loved every second of capturing them.
Dom & Liam
From swim centres to pubs, to back gardens, village halls, cafes, boats and Airbnb’s, we love photographing spaces we never expected to see as wedding venues. If you’re looking for West Reservoir Centre wedding photography or photographers & videographers for a unique venue find of your own we’d love to hear from you.