little girl walking past a black Cuban car blowing up a yellow balloon

Cuba Street Photography

Photographs From Another Time

Back in 2016 we had one of the most extraordinary experiences we’ve had as photographers. It was a trip that holds a truly special place in our hearts and one that inspired many others in the subsequent years including travels to Sri Lanka, Japan and Mexico to name a few. But Cuba, a country lost in time, really was something special and a place we’ve thought about a lot over the last year with travel an impossibility.

There were a lot of reasons that trip stood out. First and foremost the people were so warm, open and welcoming we felt an instant connection with them and one that hopefully came through in the photographs. Secondly it turned out to be a genuinely historic week, coinciding as it did with Barack Obama becoming the first U.S. president in Havana since 1928. And thirdly, of perhaps less global significance but a nonetheless important step for us it was the first time we shot with the Fujifilm X-Pro2 – a camera that helped us to break our mental barriers between the way we photographed the street and the way we photograph weddings and unify the two. So it was really one of those pivotal moments in our career that we will always look back fondly on and connecting the dots backwards it is clear how important Cuba was on our career.

Street trips are always something that we now do to practise our wedding photography and try out new ideas and concepts, we have been continuing our street work in the UK when we have been able to. But another big project that we have been exploring during lockdown is our #yorkplaceretro series on instagram, a look back at our wedding photography images through the years. And with travel restrictions still in place we have started to do the same for our street photography work.

Looking back through Cuba we were somewhat surprised at how many images had in fact never been shown despite our fondness for them. The collection shared in the blog post were just that – a collection; a selection of images that to us felt coherent next to one another and documented a journey from dawn to night and so many of these images simply didn’t fit that precise mould. But some of these images for whatever reason just didn’t mean as much to us back then. Photographs represent a frozen fraction of a second in time and yet time does not stand still around them, it changes them day by day. Photographs continually change and develop with the viewer and photographers’ understanding of the world, and sometimes an image doesn’t ring true until time has edited the story behind it.

So please enjoy this collection of forgotten images from another time, from a country lost in time.

Dom & Liam

little girl walking past a black Cuban carsun worshiping on a beach in Trinidad, Cubasilhouette of a child walking past two people holding a red umbrella in Cubaa boy kicking a football in Cubaa man walking a pig in Havana, Cubaa man sat in a blue car next to a blue walla child playing with a hulla hoop, another girls face framed in the hoopa dog's tail framed within a sea of peoplea cowboy through a window in Cubaa man smoking next to a poster with a couple kissing beside himsilhouette of a man riding a bikelittle boy in a large landscapeboys playing baseball in Havana, Cubabuilders in Havana, Cubacolourful motif with two womenwoman with a giant cigarcat and bicycle in Cubamen standing on a chair in Cubawomen umbrella with woman making a phone callyellow and blue building with two people walking pastelderly man walking past with similar motifthree children looking bored as a bike goes pastworkers in Havana, CubaCuba scene people hanging outthree people working on a housedriving down Havana's Malecon looking at a blue carbaseball game with the boys in CubaBoy behind a wall with his hand in the foregroundwoman standing in Havana, Cubacar garage with a man sitting downman standing next to his gatefour performers and their agent sitting on a wallhand appeared from behind a wall with a water squirter guncat stretching and dog walking past with a sticklittle boy balancing a football in Cuba, Havana person in a car with a building behind and some children sitting on a stepfour people and a black and white cat on the Havana's Maleconplaying football in Havana, Cubaelderly woman sat in a building in Havana, Cubaa man on a phone in coloured lights in Havana, Cubahorse with blinkers in Trinidad, Cubaboy playing football in Trinidad with a backside of a horse showinggroup shot at Trinidad, Cubaman sat on a steps in Havana, Cubagreen and white cuban car with a little girl standing next to itcowboy walking on the pavement in Trinidad, CubaScene in Cubaman on the phone obscured landscape of Trinidad focusing on the boys playing footballboys playing football, one of the boys have their hand upboy leaning into the camera with two boys playing football in the backgroundfive children jumping off a walla boy playing basketball looking up at a buildingsilhouette of a man holding some plankssilhouette of a man in a green and yellow carmen playing dominos in their house in Havana, Cubaman hidden behind the flag with other people around them man on a bike and a red and white cuban car in Trinidad, CubaCuban family in their house, man pointing and dog lying on groundyoung boy playing baseball hand poking out of the wall waving an orange piece of materialportrait of a boy sat next to a green cuban carboy walking between the green, yellow and blue building in Havana, Cubamechanic working on the handle four people sat on a step at midnight on Havana's Maleconman slumped on a bar in Havana, Cubaman on the phone in Havana, Cubalittle boy running in the streets of Havana, Cubaman on a bike and a man standing in the buildingboy spinning something on his hand, football in the foregroundman in cowboy hat wearing green and yellow striped vestshooting through the car window, girl walking past on her ear phones in Trinidad, Cubaman riding a bike in evening lightthree people wearing hats in shafts of light in Trinidad, CubaCuba scene in Havanaman in light from aboveboy standing next to a blue cracked wall dynamic shot of children playing footballthree children on bicycles in Havana, Cuba wide shot of two children skating vegetable stall with two people silhouetted man holding two bicycle wheels against a yellow wall green car in a Cuban scenea group of men sat on the steps in the centre of Cubasilver car with a side profile of a manboy standing in a buildingman playing basketball at sunset on the Malecon in Havana man walking past a paintingtwo boys sitting next to a painting with a Jamaican flagboys playing football in a yard in Havanaman with a brightly coloured t shirt sat in the shadeboy wearing a white t-shirt and with a cigarette in his mouth looking straight at the camera, other man pointing at the cameralegs underneath a buildingspider-man boy hanging out with his friends in Cuba young boy sucking his thumb in the rain in Havana, Cubared car and people in the sceneman wearing a bat man t shirt staring at the camera surrounded by a crowd of peopleyoung girl surrounded by candles with two feet framing themboy holding a candle in a ceremonyman with a glass next to a San Rafael signsix children playing in the sea at Havana's Malecon boys in the sea, one staring at the cameraman waving at President Obama's carPink Cuban car with two flags Cuban painting

If you’d like to purchase prints of our Cuba street photography collection or images from our other travels around the world you can visit our print shop gallery

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