IT WAS TOMORROW // 明日でした // Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka Streets of Japan with the GFX & X-Pro2
When we first started shooting street the overall purpose was to open our minds to finding different kinds of shots on a wedding day. Now, several years on, it was time to flip that on its head and see what our wedding storytelling could bring to the streets. We wanted a continuous narrative; an cinematic journey via something akin to a series of movie stills, voyaging from the light to the darkness through the streets and varied textures of a country shaking on the very intersection of present, past and future.
Our wedding work centres on finding big imagery from the smallest of moments, but in a city of gargantuan proportions like Tokyo, we needed a tool that could meet the scale of our surroundings and help centre those moments within the complex, often frenetic world around them. Our weapon of choice: the Fujifilm GFX, and the extraordinary level of detail it afforded continues to grant surprises on each viewing of the images. Of course our ever-ready X-Pro2’s also accompanied us as a trusted friend, helping to realise the humorous and more intimate atmospheres across the varied neighbourhoods of the cityscapes and performed admirably alongside their rather larger cousin. Together they helped us to try to paint the rich tapestry of the truly unique world we found inside Japan.
We started this journey with an idea of resolution – of further uniting our street and wedding work and, in exploring the fluid narrative of the streets, we certainly hope to have achieved that in some small way. But where wedding photography so often goes in search of answers; of coming together and common purpose, the beauty of Japan is not in resolution but in its unwavering search of questions. Likewise we find the most inspiring photography to us personally is that which raises more questions than answers.
As one Tokyo sign read “you will find many questions here”… we hope you enjoy finding your own answers.
Dom & Liam

Street photography is not only a passion of ours, it’s also how we sharpen our photography between weddings and learn to see more hidden opportunities. If you connected with our Tokyo images and would like to talk to us about street commissions or wedding photography you can contact us via the button below.