Rome Street Photography with the Fuji X-T1 by Dom Shaw

Rome by Dominique

Rome Street Photography-1

Rome Street Photography with the Fuji X-T1 by Dom Shaw

Last week I had a little break to Rome to see the sights and indulge in my passion for street photography. I absolutely adored Rome and these are just a few of my favourite frames taken with the Fuji X-T1 and the stories I saw in this fascinating and vibrant city.

Dominique Shaw

Rome Street Photography-2Italy Street PhotographyItaly Street PhotographyRome Street Photography-5Rome Street PhotographerRome Street Photographer Rome Street Photographer Rome Street PhotographerRome Street Photographer Rome Street Photographer Italy Street Photographer Italy Street Photographer Italy Street Photographer Italy Street Photographer Italy Street Photographer Italy Street Photographer Italy Street Photography Italy Street Photography Italy Street Photography Italy Street Photography

Rome Street Photography with the Fuji X-T1 by Dominique Shaw.

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