Joanne & Chris, St Nicholas Church, North Grimston & Old Malton Lodge, Malton

A Winter’s Bride

A winters tale of love renewed

One frosted morn ‘neath skies of blue,

Across the land the church bells rang,

The crisp air buzzed as choirs sang.

Top hats and tails across the room,

As Chris arrives, today our groom,

The sunlight breaks across the lawn,

His nervous wait ‘fore vows are sworn.

Into the church step groomsmen spritely,

Whilst to the curb a car pulls tightly,

Out steps a gent; well groomed, good cheer,

Holding the door for she he holds dear.

And bouquet first out steps our bride,

Then arm in arm, with father’s pride,

Beneath the spire they walk so fair,

Down blessed aisle to grooms’ stunned glare.

And as she joined him at the alter,

Their love, t’was clear would never falter,

And for this couple’s love so true,

A blessed married life was due.

And so set forth the perfect wedding,

The best man’s speech; grooms cheeks a-reddening,

A beauteous bride dressed pure in white,

And guests with not a frown in sight.

Champagne and wine and buoyant mood,

But to this pair all eyes were glued,

As glasses raised unto a toast,

Joanne and Chris, in love engrossed.

And so here ends our happy tale,

Of joy and love: the holy grail,

As bride and groom start their new life,

Together always: husband and wife.



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