The Majestic Hotel, Harrogate
Majesty, Marriage, Mendhi’s and Magic – For the final day of the bride and groom’s epic extravaganza we returned once more to The Majestic Hotel in Harrogate for the bride’s formal reception.
With the bride upstairs enhancing her natural beauty with makeup and incredible sparkling jewels ready to take centre stage once more, we spent some time capturing the little details of the day. The gorgeous flowers, the dazzling wedding rings and fine grooms outfit set against the lofty old fireplace; the Victorian décor and the more personal items: three pictures brought from home reflecting in the high polished surface of a side table showing snapshots of the couple’s happy life together thus far.
After the bride and groom had each greeted their friends and family in separate rooms it was time for the guests to move into the main ceremony room. The halls rang with the sound of bagpipes as the groom made his entrance behind a Scottish piper in full regalia.
The gorgeous flower girls were next to come, spreading petals down the white carpet in preparation for the arrival of the glowing bride as the groom (along with an array of guests lining the aisle with cameras) looked on, awaiting the arrival of his perfect princess.
We had witnessed the arrival of our bride twice before and each had taken our breath away. The third and final time we almost dropped our cameras so stunning was the image we beheld. Another amazing, intricate and dazzling dress was completed by a stunning bouquet, magnificent jewellery and the happiest of brides. As handsome groom helped her to the stage he knew he was a very lucky man.
So followed a series of lovely speeches by the couple’s loved ones alongside a perfect blessing to their marriage, a beautiful ceremony and fantastic reception dinner.
The day was completed by a return to the bride’s family home back in Shipley, the bride and groom travelling in style in a beautiful Jaguar for the final chapter of this couple’s wedding story.
Towards the end of the evening the bride emerged from her room and walked down a stairway lined with proud photographic memories of her brother’s, her sister’s and her own graduation ceremonies.
She was greeted in turn by each member of her family and the emotion was palpable as she said goodbye to them one by one, the Koran held above her head by her brother. After a final embrace with her tearful but happy father, she left the house where she grew up, ready to start a new and hopeful chapter of their lives. The frivolities over, as the gathered guests watched the couple’s image gradually fade into the dusk light, they began their new life together as man and wife; a life blessed with love and friendship and armed with the memories of their perfect fairytale wedding.